Mental Health Awareness Week 2024

Last week was Mental Health Awareness Week and the theme this year was Movement. The Mental Health Foundation are campaigning to encourage people to move more for their mental health. Exercise has a huge positive impact on peoples mental and physical health. It releases “feel good” hormones that boost your mood while reducing stress and […]

Exam Busters Workshop at The Worthgate School

A woman presenting exam techniques to students

Students across The Worthgate School recently attended Positively You’s Exam Busters Workshop. Organised by our Assistant Principal Academic, Rebecca Champion, this exams skills workshop aimed to support students  who are currently preparing for examinations. The goal of the event was to develop and improve students revision skills to help them achieve a successful exam experience. […]

Our Number One Students in Spring 2024

At The Worthgate School striving for excellence is an everyday part of students lives. Our Number One Student award is just one of the ways we motivate our students to aspire to greatness.  Every week all The Worthgate School students compete individually to earn the most Griffin Points. They also compete between their houses to […]

The Worthgate School Comes Together To Celebrate Lunar New Year

Lunar New Year is a worldwide celebration spanning fifteen days. The festivities commence with the appearance of the first New Moon in the Luna Calendar and continue until the first Full Moon rises. Initially a holiday that was predominately celebrated across Asia, Lunar New Year is now celebrated all around the world. This year our […]

Happy Lunar New Year – A Message from Our Principal

Nǐ hǎo. My name is Dr. Ian Gross and I’m the principal of The Worthgate School. This year we are delighted to have sent students from the A Level, the IB and the UFP Courses to some of the top universities here in the UK and around the world. We’ve sent our students to the […]

Why Mock Exams are the Real Deal at The Worthgate School

Right now, students at The Worthgate School are preparing for their mock exams. Mock exams are a rite of passage for every teenager studying in Britain. While they can be daunting, they are vital in helping students develop the skills they need to gain the grades required for a top university education. In fact, being […]

Our Number One Students in Autumn 2023

Recognising and rewarding the hard work of our students is important at The Worthgate School. It is one of the ways we inspire and motivate our students to make striving for excellence part of their everyday lives. When they arrive at The Worthgate School each of our students is sorted into one of our four […]

A Happy New Year from The Worthgate School

The New Year marks a new beginning. But before we look ahead at 2024, let us reflect on our successes at The Worthgate School in 2023. Before we delve into the highlights of the year, our Principal has a quick message for all of the students, staff and families who are part of the The […]

A Merry Christmas from The Worthgate School

The Worthgate School is quietening down as Christmas creeps closer. Many of our students are returning home to spend the holidays with their loved ones. To close the term on a bright note and wave them off on their journeys we have planned lots of exciting activities here at The Worthgate School. Before sharing how […]

The Worthgate School Christmas Quiz

For months the days have been getting shorter and the nights longer. Canterbury has been getting colder and that summer feeling has vanished. And we couldn’t be happier! It is finally December, which means the Christmas season is officially upon us. In the lead up to Christmas there are lots of wonderful and exciting things […]

The Worthgate School Holds a University Fair

The Worthgate School recently organised a university fair to introduce our KS5 students to different UK universities. The event was hosted at The Spitfire Ground, St Lawrence, which is Canterbury’s local cricket ground. The spacious venue was filled with representatives from universities across the UK. The university fair was attended by students from across Canterbury. […]

International Language Day

Did you know at The Worthgate School we have students from 50 different nations? So we speak a lot of different languages here, which is why on September 26th we spent the afternoon celebrating International Language Day. First celebrated during the European year of languages in 2001, the events success has made it an annual […]

A Welcome Back Message From Our Principal

Welcome to a new year at The Worthgate School. We are pleased to offer a fresh start for those just joining us, and a chance to grow even further for all those who are returning.  Additionally, our students had the opportunity at our Electives Fair to discuss the extra activities they could take part in […]

The Worthgate School: ISA Awards 2023 Finalist

We are pleased to share that The Worthgate School has been shortlisted for the ISA Award for Excellence and Innovation in Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion. This recognition is due to our outstanding student-led Diversity Committee. Established in 2020, the committee has become an integral part of our school and been a driving force for positive […]

Celebrating Graduation 2023 At The Worthgate School

In the wood panelled Gulbenkian Theatre at the University of Kent, 155 students from The Worthgate School received their graduation certificates, in recognition of all of the hard work they have put in during their time at the school. A Level, UFP, Academic English, GCSE and pre-GCSE students alike gathered alongside Acting Principal Nicola Robinson, […]

GCSE Results 2023: A Bright Future

“I congratulate all our GCSE students receiving their results today for their excellent performance. This year 50% of History grades are A* 44% of Maths grades are A* or A. With these results today they are set for the next step on their academic journey, whether that’s on to A Levels, University Foundation Programmes, or the International Baccalaureate […]

Canterbury’s Local Literary Hero

Canterbury is home to many change-makers and famous individuals. So, when walking through the city’s ancient streets you may be walking in the footsteps of the iconic individuals who once lived there, like Orlando Bloom and Alan Davies! But in the spirit of National Book Lovers Day, we cannot recommend retracing the footsteps of anyone […]

Packing Tips for Studying Abroad

The Worthgate School is so excited to welcome our new students this September. To make sure your new adventure has the best possible start we’ve created a list of things you can’t forget to pack before jetting off. This will help ensure your journey to the UK runs smoothly and you have everything you need […]

5 Tips to Stay Connected with Far Away Friends. 

Keeping up with your friends when you’re apart can just be as fun as when you’re together, it just demands a bit of creativity and effort. Every year on the 30th of July the United Nations celebrate The International Day of Friendship. This day was created to serve as a reminder that friendship is impactful […]

International Women in Engineering Day

At The Worthgate School we are always in pursuit of providing forward thinking education, that considers our ever growing and changing world. We aim to set our students up to be an influential part of that world. Friday 23rd June marks the 9th anniversary of International Women in Engineering Day. It is a day dedicated […]

Women in Engineering Day: The Facts!

Women in engineering have changed the world, despite being largely underrepresented in the field. From Edith Clarke to the women who are making real world change right now, the number of women in engineering is slowly growing, but more efforts are needed to accelerate this growth. International Women in Engineering Day offers us all the […]

Prom at The Worthgate School

It’s prom! After weeks of preparation, our year 13 students celebrated prom on Friday 28th April! We took an empty hall and transformed it into an enchanted forest, which was the perfect setting for this magical prom. Hanging vines drooped from the ceilings and trailed round the banisters, fairylights cast a dreamy glow around the […]

A Blue Plaque for Aphra Behn

All around Canterbury, you may start to notice blue plaques decorating the architecture. English Heritage’s Blue Plaques Scheme began in London. However, it has inspired many local authorities and councils around the UK to adopt similar programs. Running since 2020 in Canterbury, it has been named the Blue Plaque Project. We are proud of The […]

Tips for Managing Exam Stress

Exams are an important part of our lives but they usually leave us feeling a bit stressed. This often happens because we become so caught up in studying that we forget to look after our well-being!

Canterbury: The Facts You Don’t Know!

There is lots about Canterbury you’ll already know – it’s a great place to study, it’s home to an International Arts Festival and it runs a great river tour! But because Canterbury is a beautiful, old English city steeped in history, we knew there was more to discover. For instance, did you know Canterbury is […]

What do you enjoy about studying in the UK? Hear from our students!

Did you know over 600,000 students chose to study in the UK between 2021-22?* It’s one of the most popular international study locations in the world!   At The Worthgate School, we have a large, multicultural community of students who’ve chosen to study in the UK. Our close-knit, friendly community of staff and students help […]