
The Worthgate School Comes Together To Celebrate Lunar New Year

Lunar New Year is a worldwide celebration spanning fifteen days. The festivities commence with the appearance of the first New Moon in the Luna Calendar and continue until the first Full Moon rises. Initially a holiday that was predominately celebrated across Asia, Lunar New Year is now celebrated all around the world.

This year our students at The Worthgate School took the lead with our Lunar New Year celebrations. They shared their traditions, cultures and heritage with their peers and staff who were in attendance.

We began the event with a presentation all about Uzbekistan culture from one of our students. This was followed by a live musical performance by three students. William and Meric sang while Tra backed them up on the piano. It was great fun to see our students share their creativity and knowledge with us.

After the presentations wrapped up, we tuned into some K-Pop and got creative. We had lots of different activities running to keep students engaged and entertained throughout the day. They got the chance to try their hands at Chinese Calligraphy, Origami and Lantern Making.

Our Korean, Chinese, Burmese, Vietnamese and Indonesian students worked particularly hard on our Lunar New Year event, cooking up delicious food to share with their friends during the festivities.

 Our students loved getting involved in all of the activities and celebrations we ran throughout the day  whether if it was their first time celebrating Lunar New Year or they had done so their whole lives. It was a fantastic day and great to see The Worthgate School community band together for the celebration.

Empower. Inspire. Achieve.

The Worthgate School is attended by students from all around the world. Lunar New Year was a lovely way to come together and celebrate the diversity of our school.

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