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GCSE Results 2024: A Bright Future

Ian Gross Head of The Worthgate School

"I congratulate all of our students being awarded their GCSE results today. 61% of our GCSE grades are A*-B.

All of us here at The Worthgate School are proud of the strong academic foundation that our GCSE students have laid down and wish them only greater success as their educational journey continues."

Dr Ian Gross
The Worthgate School Canterbury

Set Up For Further Study

Our 2024 GCSE results are strong. This year 61% of all GCSEs grades are A*-B. In Mathematics, 83% of all grades awarded are A*-B. 

At The Worthgate School, our GCSE programme supports international students to transition into the British educational system. With focused English language support, small classes and committed staff, students receive individual support that prepares them for further academic study in English. 

Students develop key academic skills, including note-taking, public speaking and research skills. They become confident communicators in English with a strong grasp of academic vocabulary. 

Our GCSE programme prepares students to progress to A Levels, the International Baccalaureate Diploma or University Foundation Programme. They are inspired and empowered to pursue their next step and achieve further academic success.

The Worthgate School GCSE Results 2024

Worthgate UFP Stats (1)

90% of Russell Group Universities have accepted our students*

* Over the last 10 years, only including Russell Group Universities that accept the UFP
ufp results

Students have gone to
90% of the top 30 UK Unis
who accept our UFP

*Over the last ten years

Student Testimonials

Sidharth and Harold completed the two year GCSE programme at The Worthgate School. Hear their thoughts on studying GCSEs, boarding and making friends at The Worthgate School below.

“GCSE is about understanding, rather than just learning information. It is more how you can apply the information in your real life.”

Sidharth from India
Sid GCSE Student at The Worthgate
Harold GCSE student at The Worthgate

“I think the best bit of studying GCSEs in Worthgate School is you get to be in the same classroom with your friends. You share almost the same people in all of your classes. It is more fun spending time with your friends while you learn.”

Harold from South Korea

Study GCSEs at The Worthgate School

The Worthgate School inspires and empowers our students to achieve greatness.

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