
International Language Day

Did you know at The Worthgate School we have students from 50 different nations? So we speak a lot of different languages here, which is why on September 26th we spent the afternoon celebrating International Language Day.


First celebrated during the European year of languages in 2001, the events success has made it an annual occurrence. It aims to celebrate cultural and linguistic diversity. It encourages celebrants to build and maintain their plurilingual skills, just like the 300 students at The Worthgate School do daily.

With so many students we had lots to celebrate. Across our student body individuals came forward to add their own flare to the event.

Mercedes prepared a traditional Mexican dish, made from cucumbers, carrots, lime and peanuts, which she shared out amongst students and staff. Ye Yint came dressed for the occasion, sporting the traditional garments of Myanmar. Things even got musical when Tra played some traditional Vietnamese folk music for us to enjoy.

There were lots of games, competitions and activities for students to get involved with throughout our celebrations. Here at The Worthgate School we have great community spirit, a wonderful chance for us to come together a whole school to celebrate our diverse, multicultural community here at The Worthgate School.

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